About Forest Hills
Forest Hills emerges as a pioneering community in Dallas that houses the serenity of countryside living with the conveniences of city life. This neighborhood is known for its sprawling lots, offering a mix of architectural styles where stately new constructions complement timeless vintage residences, all set under the canopy of majestic elm, oak, and pecan trees.
Positioned at the southern tip of White Rock Lake and across from the verdant expanse of the city’s botanical garden, Forest Hills is not only a locale but a lifestyle that celebrates community and nature. Residents partake in cherished annual events such as the Fourth of July Parade and Party, the Spring Egg Hunt, Halloween Fall Fest, Holiday Tree Lighting, and the esteemed White Rock Garden Tour.
The tranquil streets and the shade-draped domiciles of Forest Hills provide a peaceful haven, offering a quiet repose from the dynamic urban pace of Dallas, making it a sought-after neighborhood for those seeking both solace and proximity to the city’s heartbeat.
Forest Hills Private Exclusive Listings
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